Thursday, April 22, 2010

The seed in my watermelon looked like a tick!

Waking up this morning was tough, I was in such a deep sleep! Misty didn't want to get up either hehe


I grabbed a cherry pie Larabar on the way out the door because I didn't want to be late. Multiple people present on the same projects and I wanted to get there early so I could go first.

 However, even though I got to class early, I guess I was not ambitious enough because while waiting for my professor to turn the computer on another student jumped right up there to upload her presentation. I ended up being the last of 3 presenting on public speaking! Luckily we all had something a little different to share and it ended up not being so bad. Lesson: you don't have to be so afraid of public speaking, people want you to succeed.

When I got back from class I wanted to go for another run even though I am a little sore. That didn't turn out so well either. I made it about 200 yards before my knee gave out. I walked about a half mile loop and that's it.  I feel like such a joke but at the same time I have read many things about not pushing your injuries. In the long run its better to take a few days off in the beginning to heal than to push through and make it worse so you are out of commission for weeks. After my mini walk I spent about 40 minutes concentrating on upper body and core strengthening, dancing, and stretching. I wasn't planning on dancing around but I had put some music on and couldn't help myself!

Lunch was more like breakfast. I made an omelot (1 whole egg + 1 white with a little spinach and feta cheese) and put it on a toasted sandwich-thin. On the side I had some watermelon, nice and juicy! However it was supposed to be seedless and there was 1 seed in my first bite! It looked just like a tick and I almost had to stop eating the watermelon but that's just my job getting to me. I've worked at an animal hospital for 6 years so I guess I've just got ticks on the brain. Yuck.

 Since it's Earth day, I decided I want to get this clock. It was featured in the month's Self magazine and it looks so cool! Happy Earth Day!

Checklist for the end of the semester:

  • Pathophysiology Exam 3
  • Headstart Lessons X 2
  • Headstart Summary Project Write-up
  • Community Nutrition Final
  • Public Speaking Presentation
  • Food Service Management Final
  • Clinicals w/ writeup X 2
  • Pathophysiology Case Studies X 1
  • Pathophysiology Final 

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